In the very heart of Assisi, just a few metres from St. Clare's square, you see an ancient 14th century stone arch to your left with a massive wooden Franciscan door of the 18th century.
Just above the arch there is a shrine dating back to 1330 portraying Our Lady and Jesus, St. Francis, St. Clare and other two Saints, St. Biagio and St. John the Baptist, by the same painter who decorated St. Damiano cloister (another very important religious monument in Franciscan history).
This is the entrance to San Crispino Historical Mansion, the only historical residence in Assisi. Which has been the home of three different fraternities between the 14th and the 20th century: Fraternity of the Disciplined of Saint Maria Maggiore otherwise called Vescovado (14th- 18th century); Fraternity of S. Biagio (15th- 16th century); Fraternity of the Saints Crispino e Crispiniano (18th- 20th century).
From this ancient medieval complex, you can enjoy a superb panoramic view: on your left, the wonderful façade of the Basilica of St. Clare, on your right the evocative view of S. Maria Maggiore, on the back the Dome of Chiesa Nova and St. Rufino Cathedral, on the top, the imposing Rocca Maggiore and, on the front, the green Umbrian valley surrounded by soft rolling hills. After you close the heavy entrance door and find yourself in the complex, you have the feeling of losing space and time: you are steeped in a silent, evocative and intimate atmosphere. You are in an ancient but perfectly preserved structure with all the comforts you may desire for your stay. You can sense ancient memories in one of the 7 independent apartments named after the elements of St. Francis' "Canticle of the Creatures": Frate foco (Brother Fire), Madre Terra (Mother Earth), Sora Luna e le Stelle (Sister Moon and Stars), Sora Acqua (Sister Water), Frate Vento (Brother Wind), Frate Sole (Brother Sun) and Beatitudo (Beatitude).Le Residenze d'Epoca in Umbria
The suites have been accurately furnished with ancient furniture, paintings, carpets and draperies in style, in order to make your holidays in San Crispino unique and unforgettable, an unforgettable warmth. You can experience the pleasure of eating on a Fratino-styled table or sitting on a walnut choir bench; you can illuminate your apartment by using lamps made out of ancient wooden candlesticks and wrought iron candle-holders of hundreds of years ago; at the same time, you can enjoy modern facilities.