Garden Resort & Spa

Medical Spa

Villa Salus is a real Wellness Clinic under the supervision of Doctor Giulio Franceschini, specialized in dermatology and aesthetic medicine and General Manager of the Medical Centre Villa Salus.

We treat small wrinkles, scars and acne signs using glycolic acid: we also treat couperose skin and teleangiectasia, we do skin infiltrations with hyaluronic acid, Hydrofor for the non-invasive treatment of cellulite and stretch marks. 

Through our D-ROOM Test you can evaluate your level of oxidative stress and the presence of free radicals in your blood as a risk factor for aging. 

In the hearth of Umbria it is possible to do all medical and aesthetic check-ups, without stress and immersed in a green quiet landscape. For just a few hours a day your will be patients and for the rest of the day you will be tourists on holiday: when you go home, you will be relaxed, rejuvenated and healthy.

You can combine health and relax programs with a day clinic and manager check-up programs, dedicated to everyone who has a little time to take care of their health but wishes to do it in the best way.